Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby Steps

So have you made the decision to start eating healthier? If so I'm excited for you! The journey to long term health is an important one! What you put into your body now will effect you....maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but eventually it will catch up to you!

Start with these Baby Steps
1. Drink half your weight in water per day. If you weight 150lbs you should have 75oz of water per day.
2. READ labels, look for whole grain breads and avoid the words BLEACHED and High Fructose Corn Syrup or Corn Sugar.
3. If you're a snacker throw the chips out and start snacking on nuts, fruits and veggies.
4. Want a sweet dessert? Instead of ice cream, get some low fat yogurt and top with berries! It's amazing how well this will satisfy your sweet tooth!
5. Fill up at least half your plate with veggies, even for breakfast!
6. If you MUST have hot dogs and sandwich meat, please look for the Nitrate and Nitrite free kind.
7. Watching TV? Get up on commercials and do something, anything (except eat) walk in place, dance, wrestle with your child, go get a glass of water!
8. Avoid Fast food places!
9. When eating at restaurant, read the nutritional information and make your choices based on that. You'll be surprised how that changes your order! If you do order something high calorie, pack half of it up in a to go container before you even start eating. Out of sight, out of mind.
10. Don't go more then 3-4 hours without eating. If possible eat 6 small 100-200 calorie low fat, low carb meals per day.  This should keep your metabolism burning like crazy!

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