Well here I am! I am now 30 weeks pregnant!
For the most part I feel this has been a pretty great pregnancy! Morning sickness was minimal and manageable. No spotting, no heart burn, very few negatives. I do however have Gestational Diabetes. I was diagnosed with it early, around 13 weeks, they usually don't even test for this til 28 weeks or so. But because of my history, the checked early. For the most part I've been able to control it thru diet. "They" put me on a GD diet, which from the start I felt was too high in carbs for my body. But it did the job and kept my blood sugars within reason. I did however gain quickly on this diet!
The further along I get the less and less this "diet" is working for me, I see my blood sugars spiking.
I am signed up to deliver with South Coast Midwifery. Hoping and praying for a water birth, with very minimal interventions. However, my blood sugar has been spiking. SCM has me seeing a Perinatologist to keep an eye on this and on sweet baby Rose. At the first appointment he wanted to put me on a medication called Glyburide. My fasting blood sugar readings were too high. Instead, I talked to him about the "diet" I was told to be on and told him I felt it was too high carb for me and my body. I got the OK to go low carb! YAY! Immediately my blood sugars returned to almost normal ranges. In the 3 weeks I've been eating low carb I haven't gained any weight, which is actually a good thing. At my weight the Perinatologist doesn't want me to gain any more, and of course neither do I!
Blood sugar has spiked again, just in the mornings. And I've pinned it down to Dawn Phenomenom. A hormonal thing where you body releases sugar into your system right before waking to give you a boost of energy and wake you up! Fine for most people, not so great for people battling diabetes. I've tried several different natural ways around this. And I think I have finally found a fix! Wake up before this happens! So I've been getting up between 330am and 4am, Checking my fasting blood sugar, grabbing a small snack and heading to the gym! Yes, almost 8 months pregnant and I'm working out at the gym at 4am. So far this has been helping! Praying it continues to do the trick! If I am unable to keep the blood sugars where they want them to be and I get put on Meds, I will no longer be able to have the water birth I've dreamed of for so many years, and will be forced to deliver in the hospital. It won't be the end of the world, the most important thing is that our little Rose is both happy and healthy. And I'll do whatever I can to make sure that happens. I find comfort in knowing that the hospital I am now set to attend, (if need be) is one of the best hospitals in the area!
Tonight we attend our first "birth" class at Granola Babies in Costa Mesa. I'll update soon and let you know how that goes!